Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lesson 28 : Foreign Terms

Lesson 28

Foreign Terms

1. a cappella: without instrumental accompaniment. Usually used to describe choral singing. In Italian, the meaning is “in the chapel style”

2. ad hoc: for this case only; temporary. The most frequent use of this Latin term is to describe a committee that is organized to deal with a specific issue and will be disbanded later.

3. bon vivant: one who enjoys good food and other pleasant things.

4. de facto: in fact; actual. The law may require one thing (de jure), but as a matter of fact (de facto) the reality is quite different.

5. gemutlich: agreeable; cheerful. This German word is often used to describe a sense of well being.

6. leitmotif: a short musical phrase that recurs and is associated with a given character, situation, or emotion in an opera. This technique was first used by the German composer, Richard Wagner.

7. nolo contendere: a defendant’s plea declaring that he will not make a defense but not admitting hit guilt.

8. per excellence: in the greatest degree of excellence. This French term also means “beyond comparison”

9. parvenu: one who has suddenly acquired wealth or power; a person who is considered an upstart because he does not conform to the standards of the class into which he has risen. This word has the same “put down” connotation as “nouveau riche”

10. piece de resistance: the principal dish of a meal; the main item or event in a series.

11. postprandlal: after dinner. In Lain prandium means “noonday meal”

12. quid pro quo: one thing in return for another

13. qui vive: to be on the lookout or on the alert is to be on the qui vive. The literal French meaning is “who lives?” or “who goes there?” and, as such, was a term used by sentries.

14. savoir faire: a ready knowledge of what to do or say; tact.

15. sub rosa: secretly; confidentially. In Lain, “under the rose” The rose was a symbol of silence or secrecy in ancient times.

16. vis-à-vis: a person or thing that is face to face with another opposite; in reference to; opposed to.


I. Which Word Comes to Mind?

In each of the following, read the statement, then circle the word that comes to mind.

1. A person who enjoys good food and one wine
                                                (bon vivant, postprandial, piece de resistance)
2. A group of citizens form a committee to beautify their town.
                                                (a cappella, qui vive, ad hoc)
3. In court, the defendant rises to plead
                                                (nolo contendere, parvenu, de facto)
4. Every time the camera switches to the cavalry, trumpets are heard
                                                (par excellence, leitmotif, sub rosa)
5. You are asked to repay a favor
                                                (savoir faire, quid pro quo, gemutlich)
6. Though the general was not voted in he was, in fact, the leader of their country
                                                (bon vivant, de facto, sub rosa)
7. As expected, when the songstress appeared on stage, the strains in her latest hit wafted across the packed theater.
                                                (leitmotif, savoir faire, par excellence)
8. Charles knew just what to say to cover up his slip of the lip
                                                (qui vive, parvenu, savoir faire)
9. The amateur boxer was quite cheerful after scoring a first round KO
                                                (gemutlich, postprandial, vis-à-vis)
10. Ronald’s deep baritone was so compelling, we did not miss the absence of the musical accompaniment
                                                (piece de resistance, a capella, bon vivant)

II. True or False ?
In the space provided, indicate whether each statement is true or false
____ 1. Publication of a sub rosa agreement can prove embarrassing.
____ 2. An opportunist may be described as one who is on the qui vive.
____ 3. Minority groups are likely to protest about de facto segregation.
____ 4. In her a cappella performance, the star criticized her accompanist
____ 5. Sophisticated people are expected to possess savoir faire
____ 6. Being in a gemutlich mood, Kate enjoyed the comedian’s “bring-down-the-house” monologue
____ 7. The weightiest problems are sometimes solved by ad hoc committees
____ 8. The piece de resistance of the program, the fireworks display, naturally drew the greatest applause
____ 9. Henry’s qui vive was a big factor in his political downfall.
____ 10. Coping with his status as a parvenu was more difficult for Scoot than the poverty he endured before striking it rich.

III. Fill in the Blank
Insert one of the new words in the proper space in each sentence below
1. The lawyer suggested a(n) __________________ plea as the most prudent way to deal with the charges against his client.
2. The commissioner’s response to the question _________________ his exorbitant travel expenses was a flat denial
3. During the long illness of the leader; the country was in a(n) _________________ state of anarchy.
4. One has to admit that singing ____________________ places a greater strain on the performer.
5. The Congressional Medal of Honor is bestowed upon the solder _______________ who has demonstrated consummate bravery
6. The best way to get things done is a deal with problems on a(n) _________________ basis.
7. When a _______________________ meets a hedonist you can bet the conversation will center around good food and good times.
8. Gary learned very quickly that ______________ was the rule in politics.
9. Saddam Hussein claimed he had destroyed all his biological and nuclear weapons, but the __________________ situation was quite different.
10. Rosa’s presence made everyone feel _____________________ and ready to enjoy the evening with friends.

IV. What’s the Antonym?
Which of the new words is most nearly opposite in meaning to the one provided?
1. grouch                                 _______________________
2. offensive                             _______________________
3. publicly                               _______________________
4. permanent                           _______________________
5. tactlessness                          _______________________
6. blundering                           _______________________
7. inferior                                _______________________
8. ascetic                                 _______________________
9. public                                  _______________________
10. trivial                                 _______________________

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