Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Size and Shape:Lesson 17

Lesson 17

Size and Shape
1. archaeology: the systematic recovery by the scientific methods of material evidence remaining from man’s life and culture in past ages, and the detailed study of this evidence.

2. elfin – fairylike; delicate; small and charmingly merry or mischievous. In folklore, an elf was a tiny, often prankish fairy who lived in the woods and possessed magical powers, like Shakespeare’s Puck.

3. infinitesimal – too small to be measured. Mathematicians, philosophers, and photographers are accustomed to dealing in concepts that range from the infinite (too large to be measured) to the infinitesimal

4. Lilliputian – very small; tiny, narrow-minded; petty. In Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, the hero was shipwrecked on the island of Lilliput, the inhabitants of which stood six inches tall.

5. megalopolis – an extensive, heavily populated, continuously urban area, including any number of cities. This larger than a metropolis since it includes an inner city, suburbia, and any adjacent towns.

6. minimize – to reduce to a minimum; decrease to the least possible amount or degree; belittle. Again we meet a synonym for “small.” minim, this time combined with the suffix ize , “to make,” and denoting as in the definition for infinitesimal, making something appear to be of the least possible amount, value, or importance
7. minutiae – small or trivial details; trifling matters. The word is not restricted in meaning to unimportant details since a seemingly minor point can prove to be of major significance

8. palatial – like a palace; large and ornate. A closely related word derived from the same Latin root palatine (palace), refers to royal privileges, a high official, a Roma soldier as well as to the chief of the seven hills upon which Rome was built.

9. peccadillo – a small sin or fault. We admire the person who dresses impeccably, “without fault,” perhaps are tolerant to the peccadillos of our friend; and probably forgive the person who offers his peccavi (confessions, or literally “I have sinned)

10. picayune – of little value or account; petty or prejudiced. Originally, this meant a coin of small value. Inevitably, the meaning was transferred to a person of low esteem because of his or her criticism or bias.

11. simulacrum – a slight, unreal, or superficial likeness or semblance; an image or representation of something

12. soupcon – suspicion; a slight trace or flavor; a very small amount.

13. teeming: swarming; prolific or fertile. The Old English word terman meant “to produce offspring.” Indeed, an obsolete meaning of teeming was “to become pregnant and produce offspring.” What is perhaps more interesting is that our word team also comes from the Old English team, which meant “childbearing” or “brood”

14.titanic: of enormous size, strength, or power. In classical mythology the Titans were a race of giants who ruled the world before gods and goddesses. Cronus, perhaps the most famous (think of our word chronology), swallowed all his children in an attempt to avert a prophecy of doom, but one son, Jupiter (Zeus), survived and eventually overthrew his father.

15. vista: a far-reaching intellectual view, a view or prospect, especially one seen through a long, narrow avenue or passage; a mental view extending over a long period of time or embracing many remembrances or experiences.
I. Which Word Comes to Mind?
In each of the following, read the statement, then circle the word that comes to mind.
1. The myriad molecules on the head of a pin
                                                (infinitesimal, vista, picayune)
2. The two cities have grown so quickly you can hardly tell where on ends and the other begins.
                                                (megalopolis, Lilliputian, palatial)
3. Most of their points were scored when out best man was in the penalty box
                                                (amplitude, elfin, minimize)
4. Mac stumbled once over his lines but otherwise his performance was perfect
                                                (minutiae, peccadillo, simulacrum)
5. This is the biggest rocket in our arsenal.
                                                (soupcon, titanic, teeming)
6. The seven dwarfs of Disney
                                                (Lilliputian, palatial, vista)
7. I was bogged down in petty details.
                                                (megalopolis, minutiae, titanic)
8. We took a guided tour of Buckingham Palace
                                                (teeming, palatial, soupcon)
9. The defense kept objecting to every minor point that was raised in court
                                                (picayune, elfin, peccadillo)
10. After climbing to the top of the mountain, we looked out on a marvelous landscape.
                                                (minimize, teeming, vista)

II. True or False?
In the space provided indicate whether each statement is true or false
____ 1. An elfin creature is huge and lumbering
____ 2. Soupcon is the call to dinner
____ 3. You should feel complimented if your mental powers are called Lilliputian
____ 4. Vista galleries are so called because they attract many visitors.
____ 5. A teeming street is dilapidated and deserted.
____ 6. It took a titanic effort to open the car door under water.
____ 7. The amplitude of the harvest gratified the farmers.
____ 8. In summers, we seek to trade our megalopolis for the country air.
____ 9. Don’t minimize Fermi’s contributions to the development of the atomic bomb.
____ 10. My parents are willing to overlook an occasional peccadillo.

III. Synonyms and Antonyms
Find and circle two words on each line which are either synonyms or antonyms.
1. infinitesimal                        titanic              pompous          hopeful
2. swarming                             cooperative      teeming           moderate
3. economy                              amplitude        pettiness          range
4. picayune                              searching         serviceable       unbiased
5. exaggerate                           imitate             minimize          assemble

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