Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Medical Science:Lesson 11

Lesson 11
Medical Science

  1. abscess-swollen, inflamed area of body tissues.  It is from the Latin abscessus (“to grow from”).  In was originally though that the humors (liquids) went from the body into the swelling.

  1. aphasia-loss of the power to use or understand words, usually caused by brain disease or injury.

  1. arteriosclerosis-a thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries as in old age.

  1. biopsy-the cutting out a piece of tissue for diagnostic examination by microscope.

  1. cadaver-dead body; corpse for dissection.  It is from the Latin word cardere, which means “to fall.”

  1. carcinogen-any substance that causes cancer.

  1. comatose-as if in a coma; lethargic.  The Greek word coma means “deep sleep.”

  1. etiology-the science of the causes and origins of disease.

  1. malingerer-one who fakes illness and pretends to be suffering.

  1. mastectomy-the surgical removal of a breast.

  1. prosthesis-replacement for a missing part of the body.

  1. simian-of or like a monkey or an ape.

  1. therapeutic-curative; serving to heal.

  1. tumescence-swelling.

  1. vasectomy-the surgical removal of a duct that conveys the male sperm—the vas deferens


I. Which Word Comes to Mind?

In each of the following, read the statement, then circle the word that comes to mind.

  1. Eugene O’Neill’s play, The Hairy Play
(vasectomy, biopsy, simian)
  1. The Federal Drug Administration’s report  on harmful food addictives
(aphasia, carcinogen, prosthesis)
  1. Breast surgery
(etiology, malingerer, mastectomy)
  1. Days of anxious waiting for the unconscious patient to awaken
(abscess, comatose, therapeutic)
  1. A disease of old age
(tumescence, cadaver, arteriosclerosis)
  1. Malignant or benign
(comatose, biopsy, aphasia)
  1. Visit to the morgue
(cadaver, abscess, simian)
  1. A great pretender
(etiology, malingerer, carcinogen)
  1. Walking with a wooden leg
(prosthesis, comatose, arteriosclerosis)
  1. Vigorous exercise
(therapeutic, tumescence, apasia)

II. True or False?

In the space provided, indicate whether each statement is true or false.

____ 1. Good news can serve as a therapeutic drug for many patients.
____2.  Speech therapy is prescribed for many people who suffer from aphasia.
____3.  When the government suspects the presence of a carcinogen in a food, it increases sales and distribution
____4.  A wooden leg was a common prosthesis years ago.
____5.  Most motion picture horror stories have at least one cadaver to boast about.
____6.  After the doctor drained my abscess, I immediately felt better.
____7.  While awaiting the results of the biopsy, Eleanor fainted.
____8.  Snakes have a traditional simian characteristic.
____9.  Researchers are at work on the etiology of lung cancer.
____10.  In a comatose state, Manute was able to resume his basketball career.

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